This program will cover topics frequently encountered by attorneys when dealing with epidemiologic evidence and its bearing on causation, including: interpreting epidemiological studies, evaluating the strength of evidence on causation, the use and misuse of statistical significance testing, meta-analysis, and interpreting negative studies.
It will also address how courts have dealt with epidemiology in determining general causation and deciding Daubert, and Frye motions, as well as provide suggestions for direct and cross-examination of epidemiology experts.
Topics List
- Introduction to Epidemiology and Law
- Epidemiological Study Designs: Cohort, Case-Control, and More
- Measurement of Outcomes: Risk Ratios, Odds Ratios, and Hazard Ratios
- Association vs. Causation: Understanding the Difference
- Bias, Confounding, and Measurement Accuracy
- Statistical Significance and Confidence Intervals in Litigation
- Bradford-Hill Criteria and Causation Opinions
- Integrating Evidence Across Multiple Studies
- Daubert and Frye Motions on Epidemiology
schedule1.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Aug 15, 2024
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion